Context: The change that ascended form and function

Embracing the Unexpected: Exploring the Form-Function Problem

Welcome to my blog! This may not be the introduction I originally planned, but I'm excited to share it with you. Sometimes, our best-laid plans take a detour, and that's exactly what happened here. The context shifted, and the urge to share this particular topic was too strong to ignore.

While my goal is still to grow this blog organically, I hope you find the content both engaging and valuable. I'm fascinated by the interplay between form and function, in both abstract and concrete terms. What began as a theme for my Doctoral Thesis in Information Systems has evolved into a broader exploration, touching on many areas of life and various academic disciplines. Observation, as Aristotle noted, must be paired with practical application. One area ripe for such exploration is Artificial Intelligence (AI), particularly Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).

Why focus on this? Because AI's current and future impact on our lives is immense. Amid the debates and questions surrounding AI, I aim to provide insights and experiments that shed light on this fascinating field. Unlike the contentious discussions often seen in academia and industry, I prefer a collaborative dialogue aimed at mutual understanding.

Setting the Scene

The form-function problem frequently crops up in fields like architecture, education, engineering, and beyond. Essentially, it refers to situations where either form or function (or both) are familiar to one person but not to another. For example, scientific notation—a type of language meant to be universal—is understood by those trained in it, yet it often remains incomprehensible to others. This discrepancy creates complexity and confusion.

In contrast to the binary outcomes and predetermined meanings of computing, human communication is rich with nuance. We rarely speak in absolutes, instead conveying meaning through context and dialogue. This ability to create and interpret meaning is a hallmark of human intelligence. So, what can we say about the intelligence of machines, particularly AI?

The Experiment

Inspired by J. Bronowski’s brilliant book The Ascent of Man, I embarked on an experiment with ChatGPT to see how it tackles the form-function problem. Bronowski’s work is a testament to human intellect, far surpassing mere animalistic or artificial intelligence. It emphasizes context and the profound depth of human understanding.

Here’s a snippet of my conversation with ChatGPT:

[HE] Write an essay on how context solves the form-function problem. Use the work of J Bronowski entitled The Ascent of Man.

[AI] The form-function problem is a fundamental challenge in the study of biology and evolution. It refers to the difficulty of understanding how a biological structure's form is related to its function. This problem has been a topic of discussion among scientists for decades and has been approached from various perspectives. One of the ways to solve the form-function problem is by considering the context in which the structure evolved. In his book, The Ascent of Man, J Bronowski explores how context can help to understand the form-function problem in the evolution of human intelligence.

Bronowski argues that human intelligence evolved within the context of culture and social interaction. He believes that the development of language, art, and science is a result of the social and cultural context in which humans evolved. Bronowski suggests that these cultural and social contexts allowed for the development of complex cognitive abilities and the ability to think abstractly.

One example that Bronowski uses to illustrate this idea is the evolution of human language. He argues that language evolved as a means of communication in social groups. As humans began to live in larger groups, communication became more complex, and language evolved to meet these demands. The ability to communicate effectively allowed for the development of complex social structures, which in turn facilitated the development of more complex cognitive abilities.

Bronowski also examines the development of art and science and how they relate to the form-function problem. He suggests that art and science developed as a result of humans' ability to think abstractly, which is in turn a result of our cultural and social context. He argues that the ability to think abstractly is what allows us to understand the relationship between form and function.

Overall, Bronowski's work suggests that the form-function problem can be solved by considering the context in which a structure evolved. By examining the cultural and social context in which humans evolved, we can gain a better understanding of how their cognitive abilities developed and how they relate to the form-function problem.

In conclusion, the form-function problem is a challenging question in the study of biology and evolution. However, by considering the context in which structures evolved, we can gain a better understanding of their form and function. J Bronowski's work in The Ascent of Man provides an excellent example of how context can be used to solve the form-function problem. His examination of the evolution of human intelligence and the role of culture and social interaction in this process provides valuable insights into the relationship between form and function in biological structures.

The Observation

ChatGPT’s response is remarkably concise, relevant, and partly accurate. It highlights the impressive progress made in artificial intelligence. However, it also underscores the unique capabilities of human intelligence—our ability to engage in deep, meaningful dialogue and reinterpret shared experiences and knowledge.

Bronowski’s insights reveal the distinction between biological adaptation and learned adaptation. The former involves irreversible changes, while the latter, driven by context, involves choices and inventions. For instance, early human migration was prompted by cultural shifts, leading to new inventions born out of necessity and imagination.

Final Remarks

Human intelligence is awe-inspiring, far surpassing current AI capabilities. While AI can process information and generate responses, it lacks the ability to dream, imagine, or innovate from innate forms and functions. Yet, the potential for meaningful interaction between humans and AI is vast.

As Bronowski eloquently put it, our knowledge reaches back millennia, shining a light on the remarkable journey of human intelligence. I'm committed to exploring how humans and machines can achieve understanding and meaning, despite the form-function problem.

Let’s embark on this journey together. I look forward to your thoughts and contributions in the comments!


Bronowski, J. (2011). The Ascent of Man. Random House.
